# Easy Setup

# Install via Deno

The Deno installation is simpler, but the script runs a bit slower than running via binary.

Haven't installed Deno yet? Head to the website (opens new window), its just about running a single command!

To install Johnny Decimal CLI, we just need to run the deno install command:

deno install --allow-env --allow-read --allow-write --name=jd https://deno.land/x/johnny_decimal/main.ts

You'll notice the install permissions are pretty broad here! Depending on what you want to do, and how much manual setup you're willing to do, these are not all necessary. You can see more explanations on what each of these are used for in our manual installation guide. You might also need to include --allow-net or allow-run if you are using external plugins (opens new window). Be careful you trust any plugins you are running!

Once Johnny Decimal CLI is installed via deno or binary, we have an installation script that will help you set everything up!

jd install

# Install via Binary

Sooooooo while binaries exist for mac, linux, and windows, I only have macOS at the moment, so these instructions are for that.

  1. Download the latest release (opens new window)
  2. Rename the release to johnny_decimal, and reference it from your path (for example, I have it placed in ~/.apps/bin/johnny_decimal, and have $HOME/.apps/bin: added to the PATH var in my .zprofile).
  3. Run johnny_decimal install. This is the javascript package. It will also setup the jd alias, so everything past this point should be the same as via Deno.

# Done!

And that's it! You're all done! You should be able to use the Johnny Decimal! List all the commands you can use with jd --help!

Using Johnny Decimal